
What is endodontics?

Endodontics is a procedure that seeks to repair and save a tooth damaged by infection, fracture or deep decay.

Endodontics in general terms is the treatment of the root canals of the tooth.

Within the canals of the tooth is the dental pulp. The dental pulp is the nerve-vascular bundle that enters through the tip of the root to the pulp chamber. The pulp gives sensitivity to the tooth and vitality to the dentin.

Learn about Héctor’s experience with endodontics

Endodoncia en Sakar Dental

Benefits of endodontics

  • It retains, restores, and saves a tooth that has suffered an infection.
  • It eliminates microorganisms.
  • It eliminates acute pain in the teeth.

Frequently asked questions about endodontics

How is the endodontics treatment performed?

After applying anesthesia, the swollen or infected dental pulp is removed, leaving it free of bacteria. Afterwards, the canal is sealed through the end of the tooth’s root, and finally, the restoration is placed, either an implant, crown or fixed bridge, depending on the patient’s situation.

What are the symptoms of endodontics problems?

  • Acute pain in one or several teeth that radiates into the mouth.
  • Sensitivity when chewing or biting.
  • Sensitivity to cold/hot food or beverages.
  • Tooth discoloration.

What causes the dental pulp to swell?

The most common causes are the following.

The first is cavities. This causes a demineralization of the dental tissue and with it a loss of part of the tooth structure, leaving the pulp unprotected. This normally causes high-temperature sensitivity and ultimately pain, which means that the pulp has become swollen.

Another cause is large fillings. In this case, they tend to produce an attack on the dental pulp. The tooth defends itself by retracting and sometimes the pulp becomes necrotic, giving way to infections, and these infections in turn cause abscesses and phlegmons.

How long does the procedure last?

The procedure can last from one to two hours, during 1-2 appointments, depending on the patient’s situations.

Endodoncia en Sakar Dental

Sakar Dental advantages on endodotics

  • With our patients’ approval, we use conscious sedation, so they don’t lose consciousness and remain reactive without any inconvenience.
  • The treatment is done by a specialist with more than 30 years of experience, certified by the Endodontics Council.
  • The treatment has a five-year guarantee. *
  • We have a personalized emergency service for acute pain that requires endodontics.

The only dental clinic in Mexico with the ISO 9001:2015 quality certification

We are members of the most recognized dental associations at a global level.

¡All specialties in one single clinic!

* Warranty subject to 2 yearly check-ups and cleaning